
Congratulations Green Party of California on twenty great years 1990 - 2010

peace - justice - ecology - democracy
 Green Party of California
0n twenty great years 1990 - 2010
Come Celebrate! Everyone invited...
This Saturday, February 6 • noon to 9pm • Berkeley
20 Year Anniversary of Founding of GPCA on February 4th, 1990
Where: Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists - 1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley
Site of the East Bay Green Alliance founding meeting in 1985 - the first CA Green local
Socializing, Displays and Workshops all day. Strategy 2010 and beyond 1:00 pm / Press Conference 3:30 pm / Elders /discussion / recollections / videos 4:30 pm / Vegetarian dinner 7:00 pm - donations requested - Record your memories all day.

RSVP to strategyretreat at cagreens.org Sponsored by the GPCA's Campaigns & Candidates Working Group , Green Party of Alameda County and Green Ice

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